What are your nails signaling you about your health?

Are you aware that your fingernails are capable of providing you with a vast amount of information regarding your general health? A change of coloring, a bump, a rippling or thickening can be an indication of kidney issues, diabetes, anemia, heart infections or lung disease, and even of the presence of a certain poison. If you notice a significant change in color, shape, thickness or texture of a nail, or notice anything unusual at all, you should visit a dermatologist and check it out.

Below are explained some of the symptoms and the related disease:

Pale nails indicate a possibility of anemia, hepatitis, early diabetes, liver disease or need for dietary improvement. The tip of the nail that is somewhat darker could symbolize liver cirrhosis.

White nails – if it’s not an inherited factor, but develops later in life, it could be a signal for chronic renal failure, congestive heart failure, cirrhosis or Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Yellow nails often indicate a pulmonary condition. Smoking habits and aging may also lead to nail yellowing. If your nails are other than yellow also thick and crumbly, it’s possible that a fungal infection is responsible for that. In rare cases, yellow nails indicate psoriasis, diabetes or thyroid problem.

Blue nails sign that a lack of oxygen in the fingertips, possibly caused by respiratory problems or a vascular disease (Raynaud’s disease). It’s also possible that your blood circulation is slow, but in the case of persisted blue nail, do check your blood and oxygenation levels.

Spoon nails (koilonychia) – concave shaped nails that reveal a serious iron deficiency anemia and low blood oxygen level. They may also signify thyroid disease, autoimmune disease lupus or a heart condition.

Clubbed nails – these are the opposite of spoon nails, they tend to bubble up and be curved around the fingertip. Although some people are born with them, if they occur later in life, it might be a sign of lung problems, heart condition, inflammatory bowel disease or even HIV/AIDS.

Splinter hemorrhages – it’s perfectly normal if they occur due to toe stubbing or smashing, but if they appear unrelated to any physical trauma, they could imply that you have a bacterial endocarditis and that you require antibiotics.

Nail pitting – small depressions in nail are a classical sign of psoriasis or dermatitis of the nail.

Brittle and crumbly nails – these nails could be pointing out a problem of the thyroid gland, responsible for metabolism, growth and energy, or deficiency in vitamins A, B, or C.

White spots – not a reason for a serious concern, they are usually the result of a nail trauma. They grow out on their own. Rarely, white spots that are persistent indicate a fungal infection.

Other than these conditions, nails may signal many others. In case of any doubt, consult with a physician.

If having consistent problems with annoying fungus, some cosmetic brands offer all kinds of medications, such as Nailner, that provides the market with Repair spray, Repair brush and Repair pen for fungal nail infection.


Nessie L.B.

Body careHealthNail care

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