As sad as it is, the truth is that many people have unwanted hair on (at least) some parts of their body. This is why hair elimination has become a big part of our regular beauty routine. Many women commonly remove the hair from their legs, feet, toes, bikini zone and even upper lip, chin and cheeks. As for the men, even though most of them take care only of their facial hair, there are also those that choose to get rid of the hair on their chest, back, or legs. There are many factors that cause hair growth, from genetics to hormone levels in our bodies and certain medications, such as steroids.
Before we continue, it’s important to mention that there are women (and men) that choose to leave the hair to grow, as the nature intended. So, it is necessary to understand that whether you prefer to remove every strand of hair on your skin or leave it to grow, it is entirely your personal choice.That being said, for those that still opt for hair removal, we continue with presenting the various options for you to choose the right one depending on your skin type.
ShavingShaving is a method of hair removal where you use a razor or an electric shaver and cut close to the skin surface. It’s definitely the fastest and easiest (even the cheapest) way of obtaining smooth skin, but it does have some negative sides. Hair after shaving grows back rather quickly. Furthermore, if you have dark hair, the hair root may still be visible after shaving. Not to mention the ingrown hair, irritation and possible infections from razor cuts. All in all, shaving is a good short-term method, most suitable for people that have light, fine hair. Tip: opt for a razor with more than one blade, the more blades, the smoother the skin.
This is a method of putting warm wax on the skin where the unwanted hair is, and pulling with a piece of a paper strip. This causes the hair to rip out together with its root. Given that the hair is being pulled from the follicle, this is a good method for getting rid of the hair in a longer term (not for good though). It is relatively inexpensive and it is a good solution for people with strong, dark hair. Probably the main con of this method is the pain. Tip: exfoliate after waxing in order to avoid hair ingrowth.
Sugaring is a method quite similar to waxing. Instead of wax, a sugar (or honey or lemon) paste is being applied to the skin and pulled with a cotton strip. Since it’s made of natural ingredients, there is less risk of irritation or infection, so it is a perfect solution for sensitive skin. The pain factor is still here, and sugaring is a bit more expensive than waxing.perfect options. But, this is not an effective solution for those with very light hair, as it works effectively when the hair color differentiates from the color of surrounding skin.
Laser and electrolysis
For those who prefer permanent hair removal and are willing to pay extra, laser (intense pulse of light) and electrolysis (inserting a needle into hair shaft in order to eliminate the cells that produce hair) are the perfect options. But, this is not an effective solution for those with very light hair, as it works effectively when the hair color differentiates from the color of surrounding skin.
Nessie L.B.