A, B, and C Vitamin –Best Supplements for Woman's Look and Energy

As we all know, vitamins play a leading role when it comes to natural ways of boosting our health and beauty. Hair, nails, skin – all of these are immensely influenced by our vitamin, mineral and antioxidant intake. Given that finding out the right vitamin for the individual problematic part of your body (or health issues) can be a real challenge, we've prepared a kind of a "guide" for you to know to individuate the optimal vitamins for particular issue you'd like to treat.  


One of the most popular benefits of this extremely important vitamin is its great influence on your eyesight. Many parents often tell their kids they should eat carrots because they’ll have super-sight. Unlike some other stories parents tell their children in order to teach them to eat veggies, this one actually couldn’t be more true. Sufficient intake of vitamin A may prevent night blindness and slow down age-related sight problems. Apart from improving vision, vitamin A is also great for your bone health, immune system and fertility. At the same time, it is an important weapon in fighting acne and even some types of cancer. Best sources: pumpkin/squash, carrots, sweet potato, kale, spinach. Regarding excessive consumption: - since vitamin A is fat-soluble (stored in our body), too much of it can cause toxicity.


Vitamin B is an essential part of energy metabolism. Since its role in body consists of transporting oxygen and to boost red cell blood production, it is one of the crucial elements of nutrition when trying to obtain some serious workout results, because it helps your muscles to function properly. Other than providing your body with a sufficient amount of energy, vitamin B is also great for preventing the ageing effects, retaining the skin's moisture, strengthening hair and nails. Given that it has such a beneficial influence to health and beauty, it is important to keep in our daily diet food rich in vitamin B, such as red meat, dairy products, shellfish, tuna, salmon, spinach, chicken, liver, citrus fruits... Although this vitamin is water-soluble and considered safe even when consumed in high doses, it is advised not to exaggerate, because according to some studies, supplementing excessive doses may lead to some skin issues, such as redness, acne, etc.


Vitamin C Vitamin C can’t be produced by our system since it is an essential vitamin, which means that we must take it through our diet. It’s extremely important for the normal function of our body, and it has extraordinary health benefits. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts your immune system and strengthens your body’s defences against harmful free radicals. It’s also proven that this vitamin is great for memory and normal brain functions, which makes it an important factor in fighting dementia. Vitamin C is also necessary for the healthy functioning of our heart and blood, as it has proven to be very helpful with heart problems and high blood pressure. Best sources: lemon, red pepper, kiwi fruit, guava, orange, strawberries. Excessive consumption: Similar to vitamin B, vitamin C is also water-soluble. This means that excess intake won’t cause toxicity as it will be excreted in the urine. However, you shouldn’t ingest more than 2000 mg per day, especially not on a regular basis.

Nessie L.B.

BeautyHealthVitamin aVitamin bVitamin cVitamins