The omega-3 fatty acids are also known as essential fats. And with good reason. These fats, along with omega-6 fatty acids, are indispensable for body’s proper function, as they provide the body with a number of health benefits. The consumption of food rich in omega-3 is most commonly prescribed in cases of high cholesterol, inflammation, depression, anxiety, arthritis, infertility, ADHD, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema…
There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids, each providing health care for a different type of condition. The eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are mostly found in marine animals, such as fish and krill, while flaxseed, hemp, chia and some other plant-based food are rich in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). The most beneficial are the animal-based EPA and DHA acids. The ALA acid is converted in your body into EPA and DHA acid, but the conversion progresses rather slowly. The best option is a combination of animal-based omega-3 fats with the plant-based ones.
Many studies have been conducted on this subject and they have proven that low concentrations of EPA and DHA in the body result in general health deterioration and in a higher risk of death from various causes. It also causes an accelerated impairment of cognitive function.
Furthermore, in an Italian study conducted on the 11 000 heart attack survivors, it has been proven that the patients consuming food rich in these fats have significantly reduced the risk of another heart attack, stroke or death. Not to mention the other benefits of omega-3 fatty acids when it comes to heart conditions. The researches have revealed their anti-arrhythmic, anti-thrombotic, anti-atherosclerotic and anti-inflammatory properties. This means that they prevent the development of the cardiac arrhythmia, the blood clotting within blood vessels, the fatty deposits in the inner layer of your arteries and the inflammation.
Considering brain health, the omega-3 fatty acids have shown to be exceptionally helpful. It has also been proven that they help in cases like ADHD, depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive conditions. Omega-3 supplementation also helps with joint pain and other inflammatory issues. That being said, it’s obvious that these fatty acids are especially beneficial for elderly people. But other than them, they show a significant importance considering children and their development. It affects their learning and behavior. In a research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it has been demonstrated that children who consumed food rich in omega-3 scored higher results in learning, vocabulary and intelligent tests. There are even cases in which omega-3 has proven to save lives of children suffering from short bowel syndrome.
Since our bodies aren’t able to produce them, the only source of them is the food. The list of food highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, flaxseed, chia seeds, egg yolks, walnuts, grass-fed beef…
Since the statistics show that the deficiency in these fatty acids may be responsible for up to 100 000 deaths every year, it would be wise to keep the mentioned food on your weekly menu. Other than the health properties, it's absolutely yummy!
Nessie L.B.