Ginger or Zingiber officinale is a widely used plant that derives from the same family as turmeric, cardamom and galangal, whose numerous benefits to health we have already mentioned. It’s been used in Chinese and Indian traditional/alternative medicine for over 4700 years. So, what is it exactly that makes this plant so extraordinary and, according to many users, one of the healthiest spices in the world? One word – gingerol. Gingerols are the oily resin that is located in the root of a ginger. They are abundant in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Other than gingerol, ginger contains around 115 other beneficial agents.
100 grams of fresh ginger root contains:
calories: 79
carbohydrate: 17.86 g
dietary fiber: 3.6 g
protein: 3.57 g
sugar: 0 g
sodium: 14 mg
iron: 1.15 g
vitamin C: 7.7 mg
potassium: 33 mg
Other nutrients found in ginger in ginger are:
vitamin B6
Ginger is especially helpful with the following conditions:
Heart conditions, stroke
Regular ginger use has proven to be a competent prevention against the two most common killers on the planet. This important factor of ginger is attributed to its anti-blood-clotting characteristic. Other than that, it helps with reducing cholesterol and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
Indigestion, nausea Ginger has been used for thousands of years particularly for treating digestive problems and as a natural remedy for nausea. It has proven not only to help with a small stomach ache, but also with severe pregnancy nausea. You should also consider using ginger if you have problems with bloating and constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Pain reduction
A study carried at the University of Georgia has shown that ginger consumption on a daily basis reduces muscle pain after exercise by 25 percent. Furthermore, it has been proven that ginger is very helpful when it comes to menstrual pain. A study has been conducted on 150 women. They took 1 gram of ginger during the first 3 days of their periods and it has proven to reduce the pain as effectively as any other painkiller or ibuprofen.
Bacterial: The Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials has published a research in 2011 considering the effectiveness of ginger regarding immune function. It was compared with some of the conventional antibiotics regarding its competence of killing Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. All the results were in favor of ginger.
Fungal: Ginger has shown the strong ability of suppressing fungal infections. A study conducted at Carleton University has won the prize for effectiveness at killing the fungus.
Diabetes, cancer
Not only this magical plant helps with preventing diabetes, but also helps with some conditions caused by diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy. The University of Minnesota conducted a study that has shown that gingerol delays the growth of cancer cells.
These mentioned conditions are far from being all when it comes to the health benefits of ginger. More and more studies show new perks of ginger in different health areas. It’s time for some ginger tea, isn’t it?
Nessie L.B.